On 17th April, the “Family Business in the Classroom” project, promoted by the Association of Family Business Owners (ACEFAM) and with the collaboration of Grupo Armando Alvarez, brought knowledge and dynamism to the CEIP José María de Pereda school in Torrelavega, with the aim of educating children about the importance of family businesses in our business landscape.

The initiative began with a presentation on generational change in family businesses, given by Ana Álvarez, a member of the third generation of the Armando Alvarez Group and its Vice-President. This introduction allowed the students to understand the continuity and importance of family management in companies over time.

The day continued with an exciting collaborative game that challenged the children to assemble a 3×3 cube of wooden pieces in less than 10 seconds. This activity not only taught the importance of teamwork, but also highlighted how collaboration can lead to success, both in business and in everyday life.

In addition, three key ideas for entrepreneurial and personal success were shared. Firstly, we discussed the role of entrepreneurship as a driver of innovation and progress. Secondly, we explained the vocation of continuity, highlighting the importance of maintaining and strengthening the entrepreneurial legacy to transcend across generations. And finally, the importance of teamwork was explored, highlighting how working together can achieve results that surpass individual capabilities.

The next phase of the project will include a visit to the facilities of a group company, Aspla in Reocín, where students will be able to learn first-hand about its operations and values.

“Family Business in the Classroom” not only aims to educate children about the world of business, but also to inspire future leaders and encourage entrepreneurship from an early age. This project is an inspiring example of how education can be transformed into a powerful tool for economic growth and building a prosperous future.

The importance of family businesses in the business landscape 

Family businesses play a vital role in the business landscape of Spain and their influence is even more remarkable in the region of Cantabria. According to data compiled by ACEFAM, 88.8% of all companies in Spain are family businesses, a figure that is even more important in Cantabria, where it reaches 92.1%. These figures clearly reveal the undeniable influence of this type of company in the business panorama.

These companies are not only economic pillars, but also drivers of employment. In Spain, 66.7% of the workforce works in a family business, while in Cantabria this number rises to 82.5%.

Moreover, the financial impact of family businesses is indisputable. They contribute significantly to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), generating 57.1% of business wealth in Spain and up to 61.8% in Cantabria.

The importance of these companies goes beyond the figures, as they represent not only a business model, but also a family and cultural legacy. Their ability to adapt, innovate and create jobs is fundamental for sustainable economic development, both nationally and regionally, and they are a true example of resilience and business leadership.

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