The company, a member of this voluntary initiative since 2021, decided to go one step further this year by certifying its performance in preventing involuntary pellet loss that may take place throughout the plastic value chain for its Selva del Camp (Tarragona) facilities.

Macresac, a company belonging to the Armando Alvarez Group, thus reaffirms its commitment to the environment and implements efficient prevention and control systems in all the operations where plastic pellets are handled, thus preventing losses into the environment.

This certification also accredits the operations carried out by MRi at the Armando Alvarez Group complex located at la Selva del Camp (Tarragona).


Our commitments


Target: Zero pellet loss

Identification of the critical points and the steps required to correct them

Raise employee awareness on the importance of this goal

Monitoring and control of the steps taken

Encourage our collaborators to participate in this major challenge


The Program

This worldwide initiative was created by the Plastics Europe association, which aims to mobilise all of the agents involved in the plastic value chain with a clear purpose: Zero pellet loss. In Spain, the association ANAIP is the program licensee, which is also backed by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, MITECO).

If you would like further information on this Program, please read our ECOinitiative.


Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

As signatory members since 2018 of the United Nations Global Compact, at the Armando Alvarez Group we are firmly committed to the established Sustainable Development Goals. With this certification, we work especially on the following:


SDG 12
SDG 14


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