We are happy to introduce our new website www.gocircularplastics.com, where we present a detailed account of our sustainability plan to meet the ambitious goals that we have set for ourselves to be met by 2030.

As signatories of the United Nations Global Compact since 2018, we are firmly committed to the Sustainable Development Goals. At the Armando Alvarez Group we support the European Circular Economy Action Plan and the Circular Plastics Alliance to meet the ambitious recyclability goals established for our sector, backing the major lines of action proposed by EU community and national legislation.

To this end we implement manufacturing processes that offer sustainable solutions and that guarantee sustainable growth over time.

We act based on a circular economy model, that promotes reusing plastics at the end of their service life, to recover them and reinsert them into the production system as a new resource, by recycling or energy production. The aim is for our plastics to be circular.

We encourage the recycling of all plastics, to prevent polluting the environment

And how do we do this?

We work on the various processes comprised in plastic circularity, from purchasing sustainable raw materials, to adding newly recycled material back into the value chain. We invest in R&D+i to eco-design and manufacture eco-solutions, with the aim for all plastics to have a second service life.


Following the various market needs, we have developed five ranges of sustainable plastics designed to be more efficient, prioritize the use of recycled material, and to be 100% recyclable, biodegradable and/or compostable.

Our Recycled range offers products that include recycled material. These materials return to the value chain after a conversion process, generating a new resource. Optima is the range of products that we manufacture with the goal to improve performance, by optimizing the structures that reduce the product unit weight.

Bio offers solutions with Biobased, Biodegradable and/or Biodegradable compostable materials. Essential is the category of single-material films that replaces the original multi-layer films, which makes them 100% recyclable. Lastly, 360° offers our clients the possibility to collaborate on closed circuits, with the aim to turn the waste from their packaging into new products, and put them back on the market.


In addition to implementing sustainable manufacturing processes and eco-designing solutions tailored to the various market challenges, we actively collaborate with several initiatives of high social and environmental impact, once again proving our commitment to the society in which we live and the world that we will leave for our children. 

People have great power, and when we act together, that power is much stronger, this is why we participate in several campaigns, such as Pacas Rosas, that raises funds for cancer research, Operation Clean Sweep, a volunteer program for responsible plastic management, which we have been working with since 2017. We also joined the Circular Plastics Alliance to promote the market for recycled plastic with ambitious goals for 2025.

Would you like to know more about our sustainability plan?

We invite you to visit our website www.gocircularplastics.com to find out about all of our solutions, goals for the Agenda 2030 and areas of activity.



Go Circular!