
Plastics have enabled people to turn apparently unproductive land into modern agricultural operations, allowing local subsistence economies to become driving forces of prosperous economic and social development. Agriculture is becoming increasingly specialized and has a great ally and partner in these plastics, which are increasingly capable of providing a specific response to crop requirements and to the climate. In order to face the challenge of demographic pressure which, according to the FAO, will encompass over 10 billion people in 2050, which would require over a 60% increase in current productivity to be able to feed the population. One of the great challenges of modern plasticulture is to develop techniques that minimize environmental impact, improving their usability, making them thinner to reduce their carbon footprint and searching for new applications for new crops.







Fodder and grain

Estirable agrícola

Agricultural Stretch Film

Hilo agrícola

Agricultural Twine


Intensive greenhouse agriculture is progressing towards better climate control, which entails new developments in structures and cover materials that have better mechanical and optical features. We have a wide range of solutions for climate control, allowing for modifications in the light, temperature and humidity conditions.​


Plastic mulch can be used in agriculture for a wide variety of crops, under a greenhouse or in the open field, and in all types of weather. We offer a wide range of solutions to protect the ground before, during and after the crop.

Fodder and grain

Animal feed, silage and grain storage are essential in order to preserve the nutritional values and quality of harvested feed and grain over time. We offer a full range of products for all type of silage, in formats that are compatible with all of the mechanized systems used to store silage and grain available in different areas of the world.

Agricultural Stretch Film

The agricultural stretch film is produced by ASPLA, one of the benchmark manufacturers of this product worldwide. We offer a wide range of high-performance solutions for wrapping fodder.

Agricultural Twine

The use of twine, both in its horticultural application inside the greenhouse for crop support and trellising, as well as traditional baler twine, is increasing worldwide. Aware of these future challenges, we offer a wide range of comprehensive solutions for baler and horticultural twines.

The Armando Alvarez Group community shares ideas and interesting information on the use of plastics in agriculture, technological trends and much more.


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