Armando Alvarez Group celebrates having received from the Spanish Association of Plastics Industry (ANAIP, for its acronym in English), the Spanish and Sustainable Plastics Industry seal in the category of Excellence, which has been officially presented today June 5, 2023, on the occasion of the World Environment Day. This seal, a certification mark registered at EU level, recognises the work and commitment of the companies that make up the plastics sector in the interests of sustainability.

As active members of ANAIP, the Group celebrates this initiative which aims to set a transparent, rigorous, and reliable framework within the plastics industry and to become a benchmark for all those companies seeking reliable sources of supply and wishing to establish commercial agreements with partners who are aligned with the same social and environmental values.

“Having obtained the ANAIP seal of excellence in the Spanish and Sustainable Plastics Industry, in addition to the pride it represents for the recognition of the work associated with it, allows us to endorse the company’s commitment to the continuous improvement of business sustainability” says Andrés García de Tuñón, Head of sustainability of the Armando Alvarez Group.

At the Armando Alvarez Group we are fully committed to sustainability, understood from an economic, social, environmental, and good governance point of view. Our objective is to grow sustainably over time, and, to this end, we act on the basis of a model of transition towards a circular economy, which allows us to offer sustainable solutions to our clients, while at the same time having a positive impact on our environment.

Do you want to know more about how we work? Get to know GoCircularPlastics , our plastic sustainability plan.

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