David Ballester, Commercial Representative for the Geosynthetics Division of SOTRAFA (a company belonging to the Armando Alvarez Group), visited a few weeks ago the set of the AGRO TV Moldova television channel, which specialises in agriculture, to talk about the geomembranes that were used in a successful waterproofing project carried out in Moldova.

After his visit to oversee the project implemented with our Moldovan client AGROFORTA, our colleague David Ballester was interviewed on the major Moldovan agricultural TV channel, where he shared SOTRAFA’s experience and knowledge in providing solutions to problems with storing water resources for irrigation.

The specific project consisted of waterproofing, with Alvatech Geomembrane and Alvafelt Geotextile, an irrigation reservoir for an extensive vineyard in Borceag, in Southern Moldova. The vineyard owner chose to work with AGROFORTA, the leading installation company in the irrigation sector, who confirmed that the project was a success thanks to the sheet’s excellent weldability and thanks to the quality of the material supplied by SOTRAFA, which guarantees a long service life.

Click here to see the full interview.

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