Grupo Armando Alvarez joins the Santander Job Fair in search of talent
On September 22nd, we will be present at the Job Fair organized by the City Council of Santander together with the University of Cantabria-COIE, which will take place at the Palacio de Exposiciones de Santander.
We offer the market circular FFS tubing containing 30% of recycled material
At the Armando Alvarez Group we are committed to sustainability and to promoting resource circularity and responsible practises for our environment.
The Armando Alvarez Group certifies its Criminal Compliance Program under the Standard UNE-ISO 19601
This certification is the result of the efforts carried out by all Group companies in Spain in order to improve transparency and corporate ethics, while at the same time helping to prevent crimes and to comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
Alvarez Forestal overhauls its website
We are pleased to announce the launch of the new and improved Alvarez Forestal website, with countless changes and improvements to provide you with the best possible experience. After months of work and collaboration, we are excited to present a fully overhauled website that is a reflection of our corporate vision, offering a much improved functionality and user-friendliness.
Armando Alvarez Group achieves the Spanish and Sustainable Plastics Industry seal, in the category of excellence
Armando Alvarez Group celebrates having received from the Spanish Association of Plastics Industry (ANAIP, for its acronym in English), the Spanish and Sustainable Plastics Industry seal in the category of Excellence, which has been officially presented today June 5, 2023, on the occasion of the World Environment Day. This seal, a certification mark registered at EU level, recognises the work and commitment of the companies that make up the plastics sector in the interests of sustainability.
Launch of the third edition of our corporate magazine: ROJOAZUL!
We are very excited to present to you the third edition of our corporate magazine: ROJOAZUL. This publication allows us to share our knowledge and experience in the sectors of activity in which we operate, through articles of interest, news highlights and outstanding achievements of the Armando Alvarez Group and its companies, as well as the industry in general.
Aspla, Solplast, Reyenvas and Sotrafa received the Climate Protection Certificate from ERDE, the German national system for management and collection of used agricultural plastic
Thanks to the joint contribution of all the companies participating in ERDE, in 2022 we reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 42,748 tonnes in absolute terms.
New 2022 Corporate Sustainability Report
We hereby present the 2022 Corporate Sustainability Report, which includes a summary of the key indicators for the Group companies. This report explains the actions that we have taken to strengthen our commitment to environmental, social and good governance sustainability.
The Armando Alvarez Group was applauded by the UN Global Compact as an example of good practises regarding climate change and circular economy in its 2022 Communication on Progress report
The Armando Alvarez Group was applauded by the UN Global Compact as an example of good practises regarding climate change and circular economy in its 2022 Communication on Progress report, which every year presents the sustainability progress reported by participating Spanish companies.
New sustainable DoyPack bag for Lacasitos: 100% recyclable and over 60% recycled material
At the Armando Alvarez Group we continue working to advance in our commitment to offer the market sustainable solutions based on a circular economy model. On this occasion two of our companies, Silvalac and Envaflex collaborate with customers and suppliers R-evolutionizing the traditional DoyPack packaging to be 100% recyclable and also containing more than 60% recycled material, thus contributing to the reuse of resources, waste reduction and mitigation of the carbon footprint.
Home stretch for the entry into force of the tax on plastic in Spain
Last April the Law on Waste and Contaminated Soils for a circular economy 7/2022 was finally published, which will come into force the 1st of January 2023.
Title VII of this Law contains the fiscal measures to promote circular economy, including a special tax on non-reusable plastic packaging, commonly known as “tax on plastic”.
One step further in Silvalac’s commitment to its food safety system: the company is certified under the Standard FSSC 22000
With this certification, Silvalac, which has manufactured food containers for over 40 years, guarantees food safety in accordance with the demanding regulations of today’s agrifood industry.