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Grupo Armando Alvarez and RedSea sign an exclusive collaboration agreement for the production and distribution of the new intelligent greenhouse covers

02/10/2023|Companies, Corporate, New products, Sustainability|

These innovative greenhouse covers feature the advanced Iyris® technology, developed by RedSea, which allows greenhouse temperature control and is incorporated into the 100% recyclable covers produced by Armando Alvarez Group, saving water and energy as well as improving crop profitability in high temperature areas.

New sustainable DoyPack bag for Lacasitos: 100% recyclable and over 60% recycled material

19/01/2023|New products|

At the Armando Alvarez Group we continue working to advance in our commitment to offer the market sustainable solutions based on a circular economy model. On this occasion two of our companies, Silvalac and Envaflex collaborate with customers and suppliers R-evolutionizing the traditional DoyPack packaging to be 100% recyclable and also containing more than 60% recycled material, thus contributing to the reuse of resources, waste reduction and mitigation of the carbon footprint.

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